
I take trinessa bc pill and I took two days/pills after my period ended before having sex. Thing is my boyfriend only had two curious thrusts (he had never known the feeling of sex condomless) and didn't pre cum or anything. Two days later I got a yeast infection, drank a bunch of cranberry concentrate, was gone over night yada yada 
Thing is when I got the infection I told my dad and asked him to get me monistat and he got mad and kept putting the idea in my head that I'm pregnant (like I understand his concern but he thinks we went "to the finish" when it was really only two little thrusts)
I know I'm not but the anxiety and stress has been so bad I've had terrible acid reflux/gas so I guess I have two questions
1) Even though I'm positive I'm not pregnant, is there any possible way in this universe I could be?
2) how do I make this anxiety go away? I think another thing contributing to the stress and stomach problems is my brother possibly getting me sick (he had the stomach flu) or something I ate that wasn't any good (high school lunches)
The sex was 12/11 and my period had ended 12/9 
I have been on trinessa since July 2016 so it's well in my system
ugh I sound so childish but this is the only way to make myself feel a little better