1st Nonstress Test

Dena • Married to my Soulmate & Pregnant with Twin Baby Girls!

Im 33w1d with di/di girls. I had my 1st nonstress test today and it took over an hr & half. My girls are extremly active and apparently dont like the monitors on them. They kept kicking and sliding them off my tummy...it was kinda cute tho. Once they settled down everything went smoothly. Both girls HBs were in the low 130's and my bp was around 118/70, which im so happy about bc my swelling has been getting worse. The only neg is we found out i had a handful of contractions while hooked up to the monitors!! Nurse told me to take it easy and if they start hurting or becone more regular to call/come back in....

Is this normal at 33w or should i be really worried?