Light bleeding 6w 3d

This has been one of the most stressful weeks in pregnancy since finding out at 4 weeks that we are expecting. At 6w 3 days I had a bloody wipe, it tapered off the rest of the day to just brown spotting when I wiped but I went in and had HCG levels drawn and an early US. HCG was at 30,000 but they were unable to find the fetal pole in the ultrasound. Just a gestational sac and a yolk sac.  Baby was dating right at 6w 3d as expected though. So now 2 days later I had another HCG at 50,000 and as the nurse explained they can't confirm miscarriage with those numbers, all we can do is wait and hope that by week 7 for the ultrasound we will be able to see baby and find that little flutter of a heart beat. If not then that explains this weird off and on bleeding. Being left with no answers is the worst part, there is nothing to do. Every time I go to the bathroom I worry that it will be the end for my new little one. I have had 1 single bloody wipe each day. No major blood or cramping but every time I see that blood I cry Ike it's the end and I am absolutely exhausted. Just hoping for the best for my little bean.