My son being born at 27 weeks the dr wants him on a fortifier for extra calories which I understand but when I signed consent I only put the fortifier NOT donor milk because trust me I make plenty and all of them know! Well I go in his room today and look at his board they have with all his info and if he has gained anything and I see where it use to say MBM(mothers breast milk) now says DBM(donor breast milk) and when I asked the nurse that was there she said the night nurse didn't know that he was getting my milk so she gave him donor milk, I looked at her and I said are you serious she said but I mean you did sign consent!! 😡 so when I brought it to her attention that the consent for donor milk was NOT signed just the fortifier her mouth dropped and she went and got the paper I signed to check and sure enough it's NOT signed and so she went and got the dr and all the dr could say was (well I'm really sorry, I know there's no excuse but that's all I can really say right now) like what do I do because I'm pretty sure that should be illegal and worth someone's job!!!!!😡😡   Sorry this is so long I just really needed to vent!