I know this is EXTREME.... couldn't help myself

 I have irregular cycles so this past
Monday night I decided to test and got what I thought was a line but thought nothing of it . Then from Tuesday morning  to Friday I got these 😁😁😁. I'm still in denial that I actually am for some reason it didn't help that I was spotting on and off since last Saturday with AF type cramps . Spotting has finally stopped yesterday cramping is on and off with sore boobs.  Went for bloodwork yesterday and have to wait until Monday for the call . This is my first pregnancy been TTC for 6 mos and I'm not sure why I'm in denial and thinking the worst as maybe it was just a chemical pregnancy and that it's just not real .. my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy . Lol . From other test I've seen ladies take their lines be so dark even on thw first test they take or as each day pass you can see the difference. This was in a time Frame 4 days and seem as my lines just stayed the same . I know I'm Crazy lol