HCG levels around 4-5 weeks?!! help

Stephaine • Afyer finding out, a week before for my appointment to discuss tying my tubes, that I was pregnant with number 3 I was shocked, surprised, and excited. However we lost Jaxson at 35.5 weeks.
Anyone know their HCG levels at around 5 weeks? I went to the doctor on Tuesday when glow says I was 5 weeks exactly for a blood draw at my PCP. My levels were 134. I think I am only around 4 weeks Bc my cycle is 32-35 days. I went back for a second blood draw of Friday but I won't know the results until Monday. I never did this with any of my other pregnancies until the last one where I had a miscarriage at what they thought was 11 weeks. I had a still birth 3 days before Christmas last year at 36 weeks. I have 2 healthy children ages 5 and 7. I have not had my 1st OB app yet. Just seen my PCP since my OB doctor is in another town. I have taken multiple test and the line is getting darker. I can't find a digital test anywhere in this small town that has weeks estimated. If someone could help I would appreciate it.