I think he lied

I've been seeing this guy for about 6 months well he has baby momma drama bad!! But I've stayed out of it. Monday he had court over her he's looking at 270 days in jail. I didn't hear from him since I left the house that morning I called texted him and nothing until I got off work he said he got to see his girls from 4pm to dark I was ok with that I want him to be in their life's but he told me he had a lot on his mind he was gonna stay at his moms that night(he lives with me) well I didn't hear from him again until Wednesday night he didn't come home until Thursday night he told me he didn't know what to do his baby momma told him she would drop the chargers if he left me for her and his girls she is with another man and is pregnant by that man he told me that he loved me and he wasn't gonna do that bc I bring the good out in him blah blah blah well we had a good night had sex,Friday night we stayed at his moms he never acted like anything was wrong until we went and got food on the way back he said that he needed to fight this battle by himself bc he doesn't want me to get hurt we fought made up but still left me without him I stayed there bc he didn't want me leaving upset he told me that this wasn't good bye he wanted to grow old with me and he acted like he was telling the truth like crying wanting to hold me and all that stuff a girl would want we talked today and he's told me multiple times he has loved me I just can't understand why he wants to fight this battle on his on when he has a good woman to stand by him I know I love him for so many reasons and we have known each other for a long time I just think he's being selfish he says he doesn't deserve to be happy right now idk what to think how to act and he is still gonna spend Christmas with me I just don't understand