2 babies under 2 years old


I guess I'm not really looking for advice. Just venting really...

I have a 9 month old daughter. I told my grandmother today that I'm pregnant again. No congratulations, no excitement. She said nothing negative, but I knew she was holding back her true feelings. She told me a story about 2 kids close in age she knew who were "handfuls." She told me my second baby would not be as easy as Eleanor. I know she already disapproves of me putting my career on hold to be a stay at home mom and us not being in the best financial place like we were when I was working. My husband and I are excited, but are still nervous and need encouragement after trying for years and having 3 miscarriages before our daughter.

My husband and I grew up the "only child" in our families and both agree we missed out on something special by not having siblings. We didn't do anything to prevent pregnancy, and I would consider this pregnancy (somewhat) planned. I know it'll be hard to have 2 under 2. I know I can get through it and it will be rewarding. I love being pregnant and I love being a mom. I just wish my grandmother was happy for us too. Her opinion means a lot to me. I think all babies should be celebrated!

Here is a pic of 9 month old. Because: Why not? :)