MIL rant

February I announced our pregnancy. It was stressful and sadly by the time I decided to let go I had an MC at 9w.
My doctor had told us with pcos MC risks are higher and my MIL or future MIL (9 years the woman has earned the title lol) seems to be horribly confused. 
Today we were all hanging out with her eldest sons family and as we ALL sit in the living room she starts this topic, teen mom🙄.
" I've read on Facebook that Maci has PCOS but she has 3 healthy pregnancies...". 
SERIOUSLY YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS NOW 8 months later ?!? I see her often guys, it's not like we've gone log without talking.
She admitted to being confused to how she can look so different from me, have 3 healthy children and no reports of miscarriage. What made me livid was that in her moment she also admits of how she talks about it at work, questions co workers about pcos, but worst is bringing this up in front of her other son when they're actively trying for baby #2 and I can see on his face that he feels bad for us. 
I can talk objectively about my MC now but I prefer to not do it in front of family members that I'm not close enough to for them to not know any better of my situation.
But I explained there are diff types and unlike her I've got the really nasty version : hair, weight etc..
Her response : " so if you just eat right and loose weight I should expect you guys pregnant again." 
No woman if only if were that easy. I worked out for five months after my MC, lost 20 lbs and no sorry dear MIL no grandbaby for you🙄. 
Just felt like a jab with her pointy finger at my truest moment of failure. She can go online to read a shitty article about tv stars or get her crochet patterns but not google her topic of interest.