What are you looking for in a daycare?

I've been so stressed about finding a daycare for my little man. I go back to work on January 9th, but then my husband gets 8 weeks paternity leave so our son will be starting in day care on March 7th. People are very competitive about securing daycare in my area (some looking now for care needed in October of next year!) so I was starting to worry we wouldn't find a place we loved. Well this past Friday we found our perfect match and I couldn't be more relieved! I spoke to a few mom's of kids enrolled at the day care over the weekend and they shared what they were looking for in a day care and what the big selling points were for the one we chose. As a first time mom some of the things they mentioned hadn't even crossed my mind 💁🏻. I was wondering if anyone on here would be willing to share the same! What were you/are you looking for in a day care? Deal breakers? If you found care, what were the major selling points for the place you chose?