c-section recovery time? exercise?

Ok so this is going to sound vain as hell, but I do work in an industry where our looks matter a lot. I may be getting a c section next week and I was wondering how long it took you to start healing and being able to exercise. I'm afraid my maternity leave won't be enough time to start getting my body back at least a little bit. I only gained 15 pounds but I feel like they show a lot. 
If anyone could give me an estimate of when they started getting back on their feet and at least start doing some walking or jogging, I'd really appreciate it. 
Thank you "sunshine" but I don't think anyone chooses to have major surgery when there is a natural way. I'm almost 41 weeks and my baby is getting too big so my doctor did mention a possible csection. I'm not completely clueless so thanks for sounding so dumb trying to push for vaginal delivery, but I'm going to do what is best for my baby even if it does leave a scar or a flab... which were none of my concerns in the first place. Just wondering if I would be able to get back to working out before having to wear outfits that outline my body... I work in the beauty industry so there is a standard of how we have to look.