Two Boys turn to none ?!?!? PLEASE HELP!!!!

A few weeks ago two boys began talking to me    One of them was really hot and the other was cute. Eventually the hot one just stopped talking to me so I began to focus my attention more on the cute one. We went on a date and we kissed and the kiss was sooooo terrible and I was kind of turned off 😞😞😞 but I decided to give him another chance. However for some reason he stopped talking to me over message for "school purposes"😒. A week ago the hot boy started back talking to me and we were talking everyday and I was really getting to like him because I figured there wasn't much left for me and the cute boy. HOWEVER!! I went to a club on Wednesday and the cute boy was there and he came and began to talk to me a lot and we hung out but yet he still refused to message me. So I was confused. I didn't care because I was still talking to my hot boy which I grew to like a lot because he has a cute personality. On sunday there was a party where both my boy went and when I even tried to talk to the cute boy he barely took me on however the hot guy and I spoke a lot and hung out almost the entire party. And while I was hanging out with him I began to like him even more and I really felt the connection. THEN OUT FO THE BLUE THE CUTE BOY VOME AND PULLS ME AWAY AND KISSES ME INFRONT OF THE HOT BOY. it happened so fast I didn't know what to do and the hot boy just walked away. 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔. I messaged him later that evening and we spoke it out and he told me how he felt about seeing me like that and I apologized. He then told me he believes it was a mistake and he wanted to talk to me but we would talk tomorrow. He also said he wouldn't forget because " it will be something I would like 👀" 
It's almost 7 in the evening and he hasn't messaged me yet but my friends think he likes me a lot still and he would message me. PLEASEEE. Tell me what y'all think ?!?! And I need advice 😢😢😢