Pressure from family.

So this is my second child and my family's first boy in almost 50 years. I went in at 34 weeks and got checked because I have been having strong contractions, well it turns out that I'm 3cm dilated and 60 percent effaced. My doctor said that she doubts I'll make it to the end of the month. I'm now 36 weeks. I go in tomorrow for another scan and check up. But my family has been adding so much pressure onto me about having him early and ways to induce labor. Of course I'm beyond ready to have him. With my daughter I didn't get past a 1cm and had to be induced at 41 weeks. But the constant calls and texts about did you're water break or eat hot sauce is driving me crazy and making me anxious. Plus I thought I had another month to prepare and everyone freaked out and bought what was left on our lists for him so I feel like if he doesn't come soon everyone did all this for no reason. My SO Is ready but he's not as vocal and just says he'll come when he wants,but I hope it's soon. Uggh