
I went to the doctor last week for my first appointment. I found out I have twins! But discussing further with my doctor she said one of the babies has a very very low heart rate and one is healthy. I don't know if one of them is going to make it. I'm very nervous I have my follow up appointment tomorrow. Has this happened to anyone?I'm very excited to have one healthy but I'm also really upset because it is not looking good for the other one. I'm lost...
Update: Baby A is doing well. Baby B does not have a heartbeat anymore. We have to hope baby b absorbs back into the placenta.
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Best wishes


Tara • Dec 20, 2016
Thank you!!


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At my first ultrasound appointment l, I had 2 heartbeats in one sac but one was way bigger than the other. When back a week later, and there was only one. It was sad but at least I still had my one healthy baby. He absorbed the other one so I didn't have any spotting or signs of a miscarriage so it didn't bother me as much as when I did have a miscarriage


Tara • Dec 20, 2016
I guess I will see tomorrow 😬