35 +4 had check up today no changes but

I saw my doc today and at the topics states I am 35+4 days we are driving from
Denver to frickin New York and I've been on bed rest for about a month and half and keeping a close eye on my body changes cause I was starting to dilate at 30/31 weeks (hence the bedrest) anyways, nothing has changed thankfully, I have a short cervix due to some very cute (🙄) funneling, and between 1.5/2 cm dilated! 
I'm pretty sure over the weekend my mucus plug was coming out in small pieces (ya know stingy yellowish bits of whatever) and I also started having very dull mild almost nothing menstral likencramps... she isn't worried I guess, just got up to use the bathroom just now and after I'm done going pee, loose stole shows up... and the cramps are back and pretty painful... ugh I better not have this baby before I leave to New York lol just gotta make it there and I can have the baby, or make it there and get home :p howpfully my silly little boy stops teasing me and shows his face! I can't wait to play with him ^-^