feeling lonely and sad

Feeling the need to vent tonight. Sitting here 14 weeks pregnant on my own again after another text from my husband to say he is working late. (I know this is genuine, I don't have concerns he is cheating). What I do have concerns over is our marriage right now. I've tried talking to him a number of times over the last few months on how I feel taken for granted, feel like he works late a lot and that we need more spark and passion in our marriage. I literally can't remember the last time he held and kissed me passionately. When I cry about it to him he holds me and hugs me and says he loves me. But then it just happens all over again. We are so excited about having our baby and it's all we have both ever wanted. But I don't want to have this sort of marriage where I feel so lonely on evenings or that we are just best friends. 
Any ladies got some advice out there? I do try and initiate things but I'm also fed up
Of it being up to me?