My cousin is acting insane😒

This is gonna be a long post so sorry in advance. So I've been with my fiancé for 4 years. My cousin has never liked him because since she's single she doesn't like when I split my time. Let me just clarify that she has absolutely no logical reason for not liking him he's always been so nice to her and treated me like a queen. I lived with her and her mom for a while and when I moved there she started acting so controlling and crazy. Before I moved there we were best friends for years. So I move there and she starts being really weird about me having any other friends but her (she's 5 years older than me). She keeps telling me she's gonna choose my friends for me. There's absolutely no reason she should feel the need to this btw, I've never been a bad person, I always associate with good people, straight A student and I've never been in trouble in my life. So she's really pushing the issue and insists that she takes me to and from school (I went to the local community college before I transferred). She would meet me at the door of the classroom the second my last class was over and if I ever left early and got a ride home with a friend she would be standing in the driveway with her arms crossed waiting for me. I met my now fiancé my third semester and had to keep the relationship secret for a year because I knew she would go nuts. I was 21 at this point and felt super weird having to be under such stringent rule when I've never given them a reason to doubt me. Well eventually she finds out and tells her mom and makes up awful lies about him ( which are completely untrue fyi) and her mom forbids me from seeing him and leaving the house except for my job and school. I keep seeing him in secret and he proposes. A couple of years later  I had a lot of money saved up from work since I was never allowed out of the house so we decided to put money down on an apartment and move in together since he has a great job too. I explained the situation to my aunt and she was surprisingly great about it and said she didn't realize we were so serious about each other and that if I was this serious she saw no reason why she should stop me from moving on with my life. My cousin on the other hand lost her effing mind. The night I moved into the apartment she sent me text messages threatening to kill herself if I didn't come back so I frantically went to her house and she said she was never planning to that she just knew I would come if she said that, while I was there she tried to forbay me from going back but I was PISSED and left and continued to settle into my new home with the love of my life. So two days later I'm still mad that she pulled such a terrible card (my momkilled herself and its a very touchy subject for me). She texts me telling me to come back (like 50 texts) and when I don't respond she comes to my apartment and sits outside in her car. My downstairs neighbors have a dog and a baby and when the dog saw her he freaked out and kept barking which woke the baby and my neighbors were mad so I went outside to tell her to leave and she refused. My fiancé also came outside to tell her to leave and she started spitting abuse at him telling him she wasn't even going to acknowledge his presence that this was somehow a family matter😒 We eventually went back inside and she sat outside our apartment ALL NIGHT LONG. She was still there when I left for work in the morning. She eventually left and I didn't hear from her for a few weeks and things have never really recovered; I hung out with her a few times after and I would always leave in tears but because she would tell me I'm so horrible for leaving her behind and not caring anymore. So now we're to the present and I just found out I'm pregnant. I'm ecstatic. This baby was so wanted, I called my aunt to tell her and she was so happy! I guess she told my cousin and she said she was done with me. My aunt called me saying that she has been laying in bed since she heard and refuses to eat. She's 30 btw so in no way some vulnerable teenager. Apparently she has been telling everyone how terrible I am. I really don't understand what I did to deserve this. I don't know why she turned so crazy when I moved to town and I don't know why she can't support me in such a big point in my life. My fiancé says she'll come around in time but I'm not sure she will. I really miss the old her. I've been thinking about calling her but I'm not sure I should. Every time I call her she tells me I need to leave my fiancé and I refuse to do that. What would you ladies do?Â