So tired of these appointments😭


My pregnancy has been wonderful until December 9th where baby girl was measuring 2 weeks small.

I was 35 Weeks • Baby was measuring 33 Weeks at 4lbs 12oz.

I received my high-risk follow up ultrasound yesterday where baby is now only a week and a half small and has hit 6lbs 👍

But now till due date I have Non Stress Tests Tuesday's & Thursdays at 5:30PM

My weekly OB appointments the 27th & 3rd

& now they just scheduled me for ANOTHER ultrasound to check size/growth/measurements for the last time on the 27th

This mama to be is pooped 😭

Just to give you a inside look next week for me is looking like this ...

↪ Monday - Off

↪ Tuesday -

OB Appointment 8:50 AM

Ultrasound For Measurements 3:00 PM

NonStress Test 5:30 PM

(All different locations!!!)

↪Wednesday - OFF

↪Thursday -

Non Stress Test 5:30PM

↪Friday- OFF

All these tests & scans & they can't even give me a REASON as to WHY she is small. It could be a small baby (I'm only 5'1) or IUGR (Intrauterine growth restriction) 🙁 but baby girl is passing every single test she is given - so hopefully just a small baby!