Things NO ONE told you about pregnancy 🤣😫😳

Michelle • Married to love of my life & mother of 2 precious baby girls 💕🙏🏼
What are some things no one told you would happen , but you've experienced while being pregnant ? 
Here are some things I've noticed :
1. It is NORMAL to not be excited and become depressed during pregnancy. It's called Prenatal Depression and it is SO common but no one ever talks about it ! 
2. I wasn't expecting to lose my sex drive completely! 
3. I knew that your hair gets thicker ...etc. but I DIDNT know that you start growing thicker hair on your belly and boobs ! And shaving is a joke , within a day, it all grows back! 
4. Once you get past the morning sickness , you will literally feel like you can eat all day long and never feel full! 
5. Speaking of "morning sickness"... ummm.... not just in the morning! I had it all day everyday ! 
6. You never knew what exhaustion really was until you've been pregnant . I seriously would take at least 2 naps a day for a long time . If not just stay in bed the entire day . I just couldn't stop sleeping! 
7. No one tells you about the Charlie horses you're gonna get while half awake at night or in the morning ! 
8. I knew I would feel baby kick , which is amazing about 70% of the time , the rest of the time is when my baby kicks my cervix . That is SO uncomfortable and I can't stop her from doing it ! Not something I expected at all ! 
9. You will most likely have teeth or gum issues (infections) . Pregnancy makes you more prone to gum infections especially . It's the worst ! 
10. I always thought that pregnant ladies waddled just because the belly or something lol but nope! I started waddling at about 15 weeks because of the horrible sciatica pain and round ligament pains . I would also limp which just made the waddle even more obvious lol 
Let's hear about your unexpected experiences ladies !