Ov early? 😳

Sarah-Jane • TTC 16 months💏We did it🤰🏽Sophie born 10/7/18💕
This pic was taken at 6.30am (usually test 3 times a day) of Day 7 of my cycle (2 days after AF left) I know it's not a positive but I usually start testing on Day 7 of each cycle and get no line faint or not until day 13-15. I have a v regular cycle of 26-28 days and AF for 5 days, perhaps spotting on 6th. I usually have my pos OPK on day 13-15 which last for 1 or 2 days. I'm a bit new to all of this (have a 9 year old daughter but wasn't really 'trying' to conceive) and did have funny pains yesterday but thought it was just the end of AF (I do get slight ov pains the days I get positive) has anyone ovulated earlier some months than others? And if so is this normal or a sign things maybe aren't right? I'm on month 3 TTC. being a woman is pretty confusing sometimes 😂!!