omg angry doesn't even cut it! daughters dad rant!

Ok so I have 3 kids all different dads  (Baby number 4 on way also different dad) let me start by saying no planned this way! Dad number 1 left me when I got pregnant n cheated with his best friend, number 2 ended up in prison for violence number 3 cheated with a married woman n current baby on ways dad is my husband. All 3 kids I have now see my husband as dad anyway. But... My eldests dad sees her as much as he can and has got her lots for Christmas... Youngests dad every other weekend pays maintenance and has got him lots for Christmas... Middle child's dad... Has seen her twice this whole year no maintenance and today I learned he hasn't got her fuck all for Christmas and won't b doing so... She is 7 years old with a dead beat biological dad n is gutted that not only is she not seeing him Christmas but he has got her nothing.. Not even a card. Yet he's managed to get his girlfriend a present... Priorities r where exactly? My husband and I have made up for this as best as we can but I can see she's hurting cause he's an absolute piece of shit!