I know but it's too soon

I know something is up. I know I'm pregnant. There's just something about it. Glow says I ovulated the 16th but I know I ovulated earlier I felt it if you know what I mean. I'm nauseous, got radiant heartburn, have to pee like I'm about to pee myself every 15/30 minutes, exhausted, emotional( I cried because I hated an intersection)... my boobs are killing me and I'm having hot flashes. I just have that feeling. And every time my so leaves the room I get sick and nauseous feeling until I sense him back In the room or that he's around like with my last pregnancy. It kills me not knowing 100 % cause I got  to wait another week before testing but I have that gut feeling like i did with my last one. But I'm not 100 about o because I didn't use opks.