WHAT . The. HELL. 
I just ate a cup of fruite, and sat down on the couch... I felt a small burp coming and then BOMB out of nowhere i threw up in my mouth! Usually if you "throw up" in your mouth you can like sallow it it's not a lot, know what I mean? But this wasn't like that. This was chunky, gross, mouthful I RAN TO the bathroom and spit it in the toilet and gaged a few more times then wash out my mouth. That has never happened to me. I've been thinking I'm pregnant for like two weeks now (cd 42- 23dpo I assume) and I've had back ache, HEADACES, hot flashes, hot flushes, sore boobs, neausua, extreme exhaustion and NOW THIS. I am so confused and now I KNOW I'm not making myself crazy. I just took a dollar store test and it's neg. I've been getting Negitivies since testing at one week after my "period" was late. 12-15 but came two days early and was SUPER LIGHT. What I believe is implantation. I don't know what is going and now I'm even more confused. I know my body is telling me I'm pregnant. Wondering if of lol get a positive soon? Or am I really just crazy!!! Oh not to mention I AM BURPING AT A CONSTANT RATE. And I never ever burp.