Can this really be happening?

I miscarried late last month (Dec). I'm not 100% sure if you ovulate normally or not afterwards (I know its possible). I normally ovulate CD14. My DF and I had sex on CD13 and the condom failed! I am now on CD21 and starting to notice symptoms that I had with the last pregnancies (1 son and 1 angel) which started with acne on my neck and chest. So I am currently 7DPO and been having light cramping the past couple days on left side like the last pregnancy. My DF is very keen to have #2 and said he isn't worried if I am or not and will even be excited (love him!). So my question is has anyone got pregnant straight after a miscarriage? I heard you are more fertile after a miscarriage, is that true or just a myth? TIA xx(learn more on Glow: