trash? thanks

Emma • 💃🏽👠❤️ALL I SEE IS RED!!!🌹👹👣
Just because of how someone behaves or lives their life does not give ANYONE the right to call them trash, a slut, whore, tramp, slag, etc. Everyone does things for different reasons and so what if aomeone has hickeys or has a lot of sex, has a different boy every week or is apparently 'too young' to know what love really is. Everyone is different, all of the above terms are disgusting ways of shaming women for their assumed or factual promiscuity and it makes me sick, there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying sex, being 'in love' at, say 12? 11?, showing they are taken, living and behaving how they see fit or perhaps how they feel they need to. It is expression and i really dont like seeing slut shaming, especially not from so many people on an app that is here to offer advice support eachother x it needs to stop because for he most part everyone is lovely but some need to change and stop giving their hurtful opinions, yes if there is a safety issue involved by all means tell someone they are wrong but noone should be judging anyone, its not fair because you dont know the real person behind the screen x ❤️