Pet Peeves🙄

Sierra • Wife | fur mama | mommy to Eliana due 1/24/20 💗
People annoy me so much. So many people on here are extremely nice and helpful but every once in a while there are a few that make my blood boil. I made a post asking for advice from women who might have experienced the same thing as me. I posted in several different groups solely because I wanted as much advice as possible. Not everyone is in the same group, therefore someone who could give me great insight might never see the post because I only posted in one group. Some groups never get many replies. I hate when people then say I posted too much and curse at me, call me names, just because I looked for advice in more than one place. My motto is "don't reply to something in which you don't have anything nice to say". You don't know what someone else is going through. You could be commenting negative crap while they're sitting on their floor crying. The topic I posted about is something I'm very worried about and is a sensitive topic. All I want from people is to think before they type. There's way too much negativity in this world.Â