Okay so just an FYI.!!! 
Yes I am young(21) and I have a 2 year old lil girl and currently pregnant with baby #2 (almost 13 weeks along). And NO I am NOT married.!! 
 PLEASE for the love of GOD STFU.! 
I can't even count how many times ppl bash me for 1 being a young mom and 2 not being married before I had children.! 
SORRY NOT FHUCKKINN SORRY that I had and chose to have and keep my child now children and being a mom before I'm 25+.! And before marriage.! 
I have a stable CAREER.! paycheck, place to live, and can properly care for my children, and myself, and manage my finances.! 
IDGAF what age you are.! If you are responsible as can handle your child who is anyone to say/judge or make points on wtf You should do.! 
I know plenty of POS moms who are way older than me and far worse off.! 😂😂 
I don't put my hand out too anyone to pay my bills, buy my baby supplies, NOR provide me with food, supplies, etc.! 💯 
Instead of bashing why don't WOMEN as a whole just show some decency and respect for other fellow mommies.! Like come on it really isn't that hard to not be so salty.!!!