Miracles Are Real

Devon • She loved three things - a good joke, a glass of wine, & a handsome man.
Okay, so I just HAVE to share this story. It's too sweet not to! 
So yesterday (the day after Christmas) we went to a family friend's house. We met them a few years ago because they adopted my sister's little girls. It was an open adoption, so we're all friends. 
For the adoptive mother's Christmas, my step-mom gave her a bracelet with a charm that said "ASK" engraved on it, and on the band there was a Bible verse along the lines of "Ask the Lord and you shall receive".  
The adoptive couple had a baby girl a long time ago. When they brought her home from the hospital, she ended up getting sick and passing away. A couple years after that, they adopted my sister's first little girl, and then her second little girl two years after that. 
The adoptive mother told us she knew the good Lord heard her prayers asking Him to bring her a child because her first baby's name was "Alivia", the first little girl she adopted is "Sydney", and the second little girl she adopted is "Kaylee". Put the initials of the girl's first names together and you have, ASK. 
This absolutely warmed my heart! 
Remember ladies, no matter what you are going through, no matter the circumstances - God has a plan! Do not be afraid to ASK Him for help and to lean on Him when times are hard. Keep the faith. 
Merry Christmas!