My fiancé's PCP won't test him for CF?

Alyssa • ✨ Mum² 🎀 🏈 ✨ Fiancé to a keeper 💍
So, I'm 15w4d, and I found out during my last pregnancy that I'm a carrier for CF. We made this appointment MONTHS ago, we even asked the receptionist to have the doctor send out a written request for blood work to Quest (or any lab) so that we wouldn't be wasting time waiting for him to be seen... But they wouldn't do it; he HAD to come in for an appointment. So today, my fiancé goes to the appointment, only to be told that his doctor will not screen him for CF, and that we need to see a geneticist. Like, are you fucking kidding me? $250 copay, just to be told that the SOLE reason he was there wasn't an option. Okay. So we get back to the car, I call my OB to ask if there's any way one of MY doctors can write the lab work for my fiancé to be tested because his asshole doctor won't, only to be told that since I am a carrier, it is MANDATORY that my fiancé's doctor test him. I'm so fucking pissed. We waited WEEKS for this, and still are no closer to an answer, meanwhile time ticks on and makes it more stressful and cruel to consider aborting if an abnormality is a certainty. 😪😪😪