Good grief you guys. I need to vent..

Feel free to give me your honest opinions too. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong. 
I just had a baby about a year ago and now my sister who is only 19 is pregnant. I packed up all my babies stuff, changing pad, bath, car seat, swing etc and told her she could borrow it. ( I want it back when we have a second baby). Long story short my baby is sleeping like total shit so I found this swing (a new one, not the one I let her borrow) and asked if I could get it back to sell it to buy a new swing to try for my baby and then she can use it for hers. Her baby isn't due until august. (My baby better be sleeping better by then lol) but anyway she's pissed at me because I supposedly just used her for storage. Even though she'll be getting a swing back (a better one) and she got a million other things from me. Not to mention I have a house with an attic where I can store it. Idk why she'd think I'd use her to store it. She didn't want to take it the night she got all the stuff because there wasn't much room in her car but I insisted that she take it cause it was taking up room in my house. Only because I left it out waiting for her to take it. I didn't want to store it for a few months if she wanted it anyway. I told her I was sorry she had to load it up for nothing but that she'd still have a swing and I can grab my old one. Wtf is going on?  Lol