Stalled labor is so frustrating!!! (Venting)

So last week I went into preterm labor at 35 weeks pregnant. I was in the hospital for 4 days and I stalled out at 5cm and 50%effaced. I begged to be sent home because Christmas was in a few days and I wasn't progressing. They agreed and told me to come back for the slightest change. Since leaving I've been getting worse each day. I went and got checked last night (I'm 36.3weeks now) because of terrible contractions every 4 minutes and I still wasn't progressed at all. The doctor made me go walk for 2 hrs and come back. I did and no change. Today I've had some wicked back pain with the contractions and the pressure I feel in my "downstairs" is so uncomfortable that it makes me cringe and want to crawl out of my skin. I can't sleep. I'm losing my appetite. I'm losing my mucus plug again but I know it can regenerate. Even if labor did start again, the hospital won't help me if I happened to stall again. I know its their policy but this is painful and frustrating. I feel guilty for wanting my son to come out now because I'm in pain. I'd do this a million times over for him. I just need to vent because I'm a giant, walking hormone. I am totally fine with him staying put until he's ready. I just wish this pain would stop until then.