1 year ...

So, new year is marking our first year of tttc. Yes I'm upset we still haven't got a positive test but ... 
In this one year we've learnt more about each other than our first 5 years together. We became stronger and closer than ever before. 
We have learnt how to agree to disagree, how to reason with one another. We've learnt that in that split second where you can 'hate' one another the next you can fall back in love. 
We have learnt to communicate about everything, how to broach subjects without upsetting the other. 
Yes we still fight, yes not every day is fabulous. 
But we do know we want the same thing, and we want that together 😊
And we will continue to learn more about each other whilst our journey continues but one thing I know for sure is when the time comes my SO will be the best Dad he can be 💕