idk how to feel about this

Okay so I really love my boyfriend, we've been together ten months and he's amazing. However, I've spoken to a lot of women in different areas of the United States (I'm from ny and I live in the south now) and al of them have a pretty similar idea of what they want when it comes to men and them working. They want a hardworking man and not a teenager stuck in a mans body. When I say that I mean a guy who smokes pot and plays video games. My boyfriend is a hard worker he just doesn't have an actual job, like as far as on the books. He's a jack of all trades. He's a builder. And so on. So he doesn't always make a lot of money and doesn't always have work to do. All the women I've spoken too or read articles and posts from don't want that. I work my ass off about 50-55 hours a week and go to school part time, it sounds like I should have higher standards than I do. But I love my boyfriend and I know how hard of a worker he is. How do you guys feel about this theory ? I just want opinions as far as the idea goes that a man should be a provider and have a stable and a very good income. (Were in our twenties)