
So I need some advice. Currently I'm working two jobs. Tuesday-friday(half a day) I work in dental office that pays me good. The weekends I work at a small restaurant where it's good extra saving money, but I know it's something I can't live off of. Some days I'll make 5 bucks all day on top of my 2.00$ pay for like 4ish hours. I'm sure some nights I could pick up an extra shift but it's kind of hard because I'm not the only one who works here obviously. Well in February I was going to go to cosmetology school, which is full time. So I'd have to quit my first job and I was going to look for a different weekend job. Well last month I found out that I'm pregnant. So I was going to push school off until next year. I talked to the advisor about it, and she told me there plenty of pregnant students and they get medical leave so I really can start whenever. So I pushed it to September(I'm due in July).  Now thinking about it, I'm not sure if I should wait until then. I feel like I should go now. Maybe not in February but they have an April class starting so I was thinking that. Just so I don't keep pushing it back and actually get it done and get the ball rolling. I'm just not sure if I should or not because of only being able to work my low paying second job. It's hard to find another weekend job that will take a pregnant employee who has to leave for 6 weeks that'd only be working there for a few months before. I just don't know what to do because I don't know how I'm going to afford my bills I pay now, a baby, and daycare. I mean yes my boyfriend would help a lot but he can't pay for everything, and my dad doesn't have a lot of money to help, and my mom is iffy. She'll say she'll help me then get mad about something and say she's not going to help me. It's just so hard I'm just trying to do what's going to make me happy, and what's going to be good for taking care of kid. And I don't know if doing it now and just getting it done or waiting and trying to save more is the best option.Â