welcome back AF!

I've only been off the pill for 4 months. My first 3 months I had a surprisingly regular cycle. This 4th month my husband and I started TCC. I didn't expect to get pregnant as we weren't able to BD as often as we could've and my clear blue advanced digital OPK stopped working after my first "high fertility" day. Nonetheless. I was hopeful. HPTs were negative. I patiently waited for AF to show so we could begin again. 
But nothing. Every day late was agony. More negative tests. I was flooded with thoughts that I was doomed to be irregular and plagued with difficulty TCC. 
Then she finally showed! One whole week of an agonizing wait and finally she showed her ugly face this morning. I am just relived that we can start again this month for another opportunity to get pregnant 
Funny how the one thing you have dreaded for so long now holds so
Much weight. It's abscence is hoped for, but gone too long and new hope gets delayed