Mil help


My baby is 8 weeks old....since she was 3 weeks old mil has been asking when she can spend the night, when she can babysit, when we will drop the baby off to stay for a 'full Sunday' with her. I have repeatedly said that I will not be ready for the baby to do overnights for a long time, also since I am returning to work soon, I will look forward to weekends with MY child. They don't even have anything in their apartment for the baby to sleep in or anything. She wants the baby in the bed with them. We visit whenever invited and they live close. For a little background they are Dominican and have different customs than me. His sil is also a single mom with a 2.5 yo and she leaves him there all the time so she can go out, so they are used to doing whatever they want with their grandchildren. I do not like how they are with him and he still does not talk and seems very developmentally behind, which to me is more based on how he has been raised by all of them. His mil also constantly belittles me as a parent in passive aggressive ways and tries to tell me what to do, even though her knowledge is very outdated (rice cereal in bottles, crib bumpers, too many blankets, give baby water, etc). She says a lot of belittling things about my choices to her son to make me look bad. I don't think she respects me and I don't trust her alone with my baby until the baby can talk and tell me what is going on. I feel bad because I will leave the baby with my mother without a problem (though not yet for the night). My mother has bought a pack and play, carseat and respects my choices and understands advancements in child-rearing practices. Am I out of line here? My mil is constantly trying to guilt trip me into leaving the baby, and I think it is too early, especially for an overnight. How do I handle this without causing a rift? My husband will not really help with this and leaves most of these choices to me.