2ww ughhh :(

Okay so this is a new one for me. Boobs dont really hurt this month (although they are slowly starting to get sore) I'm 5dpo today and since ovulateion I've had some minor period type cramps. Also since 2dpo I've had a cold ( scratchy throat, coughing, off and on runny nose, headache) I do good when I wake up in the AM but after an hour or two of being up I start feeling bad. And then by 4 I need a nap. Then I feel good for a couple hours... then I get dizzy and nauseous and icky again and I'm ready for bed. On and temp went from 98.14 yesterday to 98.54 this morning. Is that bad? 
Anyone else going through anything like this? Or been through this and got a BFP