Who is making a resolution to lose weight?

Hannah • Fur mamma. Heathen.

The most common resolution every year is to lose weight. But 1 in 3 people will FAIL by FEBRUARY. That's nuts! Here's a few tips to help you accomplish your goal and follow through

1) Make a specific goal for every week

Ex. This week I will not eat processed sugary cereals

2)Start small and work your way up!

Ex. Week one: no cereal. Week two: no cereal and no deli meat ....

......... Week six: No processed foods at all!

3)Create a routine, but switch it up!

Ex. Circuit training every Monday. And on Thursday at least an hour of either swimming, biking, or hiking!

4)Keep a journal

This will be one of your main motivators! This is a great place to keep track of your weekly and monthly goals. But it's also a great place to reflect on how you did or didn't keep to your goals and how that day/week made you feel. Accomplished, tired, energized, etc. Whether it's written or digital, this type of reflection will hold you accountable.

What's your resolution and what tips do you have to share?!

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