how to start 3.5 m/o on daily schedule? help!

Baby led or parent led or combo?
I'm totally clueless, FTM here guys. LO is 15 weeks old and thus far I have been doing everything her way, not a bad thing but I've read multiple times that babies (not to mention I do as well) like routine. I'm desperately wanting to try it out. I've done a ton of googling and found different samples but I'm not sure how to implement the schedule; I do not want it to be strict because of course it will vary each day but you catch my drift. I'm stumped however because my LO's current schedule is ALL OVER THE PLACE! Sleep and eating patterns out of wack, etc. 😖
Here's her "routine" 12/27 - 12-29 (mind you, I sometimes forgot to jot things down.) 


🍼4oz @8:35pm



🍼2oz OC @11:15pm


🍼2oz @1:00am


🍼2.5oz @2:15am


💤 @2:07am

🍼4oz @6:25am


🍼2oz @9:00am


🍼4oz @2:00pm


🍼3oz @ 3:45pm


🍼3oz OC @ 3:15am


🍼3oz @3:30am



🍼4 oz @7:35am



🍼3oz @11:00am

🍼banana baby food @11:45am


🍼1.5oz @12:50am

🍼5oz @3:00-3:35am

🛁 @9:30pm

💤 @9:40pm

🍼 4oz OC @10:35pm

💤 @10:40pm

Tips & advice would be IMMENSELY appreciated! Also, if you could clue me in on your LO's schedule to give me an idea of where to start that'd be perfect.
TIA ladies💞