Extremely Interested in Someone With HPV

hello!! so, i was confirmed by the person i'm speaking to that he has HPV (the wart kind). 
it really sucks, because i'm really into him.
we have so much in common and he's soooo unique.
we share a lot of the cool interests and both have open minds, to say the least.
he's also super pretty! hehe
i've known he has it for a while, now, because a friend had told me, but he had just confirmed last night. 
anyways, i'm giving myself anxiety (which i shouldn't be, because i don't know if we'll ever have sex or get to that point, but i'm just thinking ahead a little).
part of me doesn't really care that he has this, but the other part of me is terrified of getting it, because of what i've read online (causes warts, cervical cancer, it can spread orally, etc.). 
can i get a shot to prevent getting it if we have sex? (using a condom, of course)!