Starting a go fund me

Do you think it'd would be alright(like not selfish or begging)to start a gofundme for us to raise money to help out with the cost of buying a new car?

Our 2nd baby is due in 3 days and my husband's camaro will not hold 2 car seats in the back comfortably. It barely fits our 2yo son carseat and unfortunately he's no even able to rear face because of it.

We are currently barely living paycheck to paycheck as it is. We do nothing extra(date nights, movies, out to eat)in hopes of saving more money but as soon as our savings get back up something happens(last time his car broke and it was 1,000 to Fix it leaving us at 300 in savings).

I won't be able to get a job for another 6 weeks until I'm cleared by the doctor and even then I'll only be able to work maybe 4 hours a day so we don't have to pay for a babysitter.

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