Happy New Year

Jullian • I'm The Father I Planned To Be.. Everything My Daughter Needs.
Well 2016 is over,  2017 is official. Things are fresh, new and this is the start of a 364 day challenge. I've challenged myself and I accept the challenge to be a better father ( not that I suck or am not a great father ).  
I just want to be the best so I'm learning and doing more. I want to be a better husband, I've always wanted to do the random gifts after a long day, flowers, surprise date nights. To be a man of God is high up on my list although ya boy sin quicker than he pray some days. All in all I just want the next 364 days to be pure progression.  
Well Happy New Year Everybody, I got 2 weeks til my daughters 2nd birthday, so back to the drawing board for the final execution of the best birthday ever. 
Super Dad Out