Happy to be here!

Sara • Momma to an angel 👼💖 waiting for our rainbow🌈💖
Here's a little background about me. My name is Sara, I'm currently (I think) 6weeks. A week ago I started spotting with some cramps however. I'm very scared. But blood work shows that my hcg levels are rising, but they aren't doubling as quickly as they should be :/  my husband and I lost our first baby in December, so my nerves are just shot. I'm no where near being over our first loss I don't know what I'll do with a second. And sadly this time around I feel alone :/ everyone that knows is staying on the side of cautious, I understand why, but I want to be excited. Even if we lose this one too the baby deserves to be excited for. But when I started bleeding and told my husband and my mom they seemed like they were awaiting this and didn't offer much comfort. I really feel alone. When we lost our first my husband and mother were the best at helping me. Now I feel a little abandoned. I'm stuck at home on bed rest and left to think a lot. Well here's me! Tell me about you!!