Diva baby wanted all the attention for her debut!

What a whirlwind! Apparently our baby girl decided to make her debut into the world in true diva style. Born on January 1st, 2017 at 12:03am, just barely after midnight.
It all started at exactly 39 weeks on Saturday morning, (New Year's <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>) at 8:30am when I woke up to a Charlie horse cramp in my left calf and also felt like I was about to pee myself. I quickly realized it was my water that ruptured, but I could get out of bed quick enough. I had the cramp in my leg, a cat laying on top of me, and my body pillow in the way, as always. Finally, I got up and headed to the bathroom while fluid was running down my legs. It just kept coming! I told hubby my water just broke and we headed to the hospital after finishing packing last minute things in our hospital bags. I think the weirdest thing was when I was inspecting the fluid in the adult diaper that I had put on in case I leaked and I saw little tiny hairs in the fluid! It was just weird thinking that those little hairs used to be on our baby!
As soon as we got checked in to L&D around 9:45am, they confirmed my water was ruptured and admitted us. It was so exciting knowing we'd have our baby girl within the next 24hrs! But then again, we had no idea what year our daughter would be born in! Oh, the anticipation! I told the doctor and nurse that my birth plan did not include pitocin or an epidural...(I gave in around 4cm). 
At check-in, I was only 2cm dilated. By 2pm I was 3cm and handling the contractions pretty well so far, and that was encouraging. Then around 5pm, I decided to get the epidural and start Pitocin to help me progress since I was still only 3-4cm. So bummed! We were told that typically I would progress about 1cm per hour or so once I got to 4cm, but I still wasn't quite 4cm. :/ It was definitely discouraging, but at least I wasn't feeling the pain anymore. Hubby and I were feeling bummed since now it seemed impossible to have her before midnight, which is what we were secretly hoping for...or a New Year's baby.
The doctor arrived around 7:30pm and started talking about using an internal contraction monitor so they could determine how strong my contractions were. But once she checked me, she said I was already at 8 cm! Magically, I had progressed from 4cm to 8cm in 2 to 2.5 hrs! By this point, the doctor started talking about being able to start pushing in 2 hours, which would put us at 11:30pm.
That's when it got so surreal! I started pushing with the nurse to get baby in the best position for pushing for when the doctor came back in. By 11:45, we started pushing for real. Even though I had the epidural, pushing was no joke! The pressure was crazy, especially as baby was coming out. We had the New Year's ball drop and countdown in the background on the TV and it felt like everyone was cheering us on! Maybe that's why I pushed an 8lb 14oz baby out in just 15-18 minutes! My husband also did such a great job coaching me and was totally mesmerized watching the whole thing. I'm so proud of him!
In the end, baby girl decided to make her debut at 12:03am on New Years Day, making her the first born baby of 2017 for our hospital and also for our entire city! In fact, the local news station came by and interviewed us to put us on the 6 o'clock news. The funny thing is, she hasn't wanted to eat at all because she's been too busy sleeping, but as soon as the camera was on her, she was wide awake. Our little girl is "famous" and she's not even 24hrs old yet! Oh my goodness, what a diva!