My Second Labor vs. My First! -BIRTH STORY

C-B • 28 yo mom of two! (Four year old girl and a baby boy.)
I will start out by saying my first birth/labor I was induced a week early because my daughter wasn't moving anymore. It lasted 14 hours + 4 hours of pushing. I got an epidural but they turned it off so I could "feel the push." It took so long because she came out face up and got stuck on my pelvis. She was 8lbs6oz. 
My second birth/labor: I was due 12/25/16. On the 19th I had my second membrane sweep around noon and went into labor 600pm that night.   By the time I checked into the hospital I was 5cm and 60%effaced. My doctor wanted me to have the two doses of penicillin (because I was GBS+) before she broke my water. By 9:00pm they started my first dose of penicillin. By 100 am on the 20th they started my second dose of penicillin and broke my water. At that point I was 6cm and 75%effaced. My pain at that point had been about a 5 out of 10. I got up from the bed around 200am and went to the bathroom. The second I got back to bed my pain went to a 10 out of 10. I was standing up leaning on my husband to get through the pain and begged for an epidural. The nurse came in and helped prep me for the epidural. The nurse also sent my husband and my mom out of the room. I sat down on the edge of the bed and all of the sudden my body stared pushing. The nurse  called for help. Everyone came rushing into the room including my mom and husband. They barely had just pushed me onto my back before my son came out in one big push. He was 9lbs 1ounce, 20 inches long born 12/20/16. All in all my second labor lasted a total of 7hours, half of what my first labor was, and I did it all natural without an epidural! He came out so fast that my mom and husband almost missed it! I am glad they were just right outside of the room. I am now blessed with two beautiful children!