Anyone else got wierd dreams already?

Jackie • Nurse for home health. mom of 2 rainbow babies

I am about 5 weeks into my 4th pregnancy (had 2 miscarrages and i have a 1 yr old).. i have had some intense dreams already. It was not the case until later in my pregnancy w my son this happened. I had dreams about a zombie takeover (no i do not watch the walking dead), me being on tour in london w drag queens and me miscarrying and seeing the baby deformed (my 2nd miscarriage i passed at home and saw the baby at 8 weeks fully formed w sac intact) and my ex claiming hes the dad (hes not weve been divorced for 4 years now). I also had a dream last night i missed my first ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy and then was in the hospital ready to have the c section for this one and they wouldnt confirm i was still pregnant before they cut me open.

This stuff is intense! Anyone else having this issue?