

Ok so I ran into an old friend from high school in target. We have not spoken in years and we don't keep up with each other's lives. Although we have no bad blood ex. (Until today 😂)

We happened to both be towel shopping. So we are in conversation as we dive into our towel choices. I chose all the same color and she had a color scheme but each towel was notably different.

She then asked me how I tell them apart. I was slightly confused but stated I can't really. She's like that's disgusting I would never use my husbands towel🤔 (excuse me). So seemingly feeling a bit insulted I felt the need to protest her statement. I went on about not truly caring and that he only uses it after becoming clean so.... Anyway something along those lines. So she argued men do not have good hygiene habits and he definitely wasn't thoroughly washing. At that point I felt as if I was loosing brain cells so I said my awkward goodbye hope to see you soon...(I don't hope for this.) Anyway it had me thinking tho🤔🙄 Am I the only woman who just grabs a dry towel? Do you use your man's towel and vice versa?