Baby clothes - stage by stage

First time mom here trying to figure out what I need and don't need!
Newborn: I'm trying to get the least of these as I know they grow out quickly, but mostly kimono tops or with side snaps as I read that's best for dressing babies without pulling anything over their head, and it doesn't irritate their umbilical cord. Would I need mittens too? Should I get clothes that build in the mittens? Also do I need hats? Socks? Or onesies to make it straightforward? What's easiest for changing?
0-3 months: I'm getting basic cotton onesies with snap buttons on the bottom as well, and little joggers to put over the legs. Should I still stick with onesies at this point? Are hoodies safe? 
3-6 months: I'm buying more of the cute things for this stage as I realize baby can move more now. So cute little bloomers and matching headbands as I will be able to take her out more often. Also some cardigans. Can she wear dresses yet?
6-9 months: I realize babies start to crawl and stand at this point so less onesies and more pants and tees. Is it still important to have clothes that are easy access for changing diapers, as the baby starts moving onto eating solids? Would little shoes be helpful?
These are just my guesses so please share any info you have! I'm trying to stock up on 8-10 outfits per stage and not accumulate too many cute outfits they will quickly grow out of.
Thanks in advance!