
My period has been weird... prior to a year ago I was ALWAYS on time... never spotted never was late or anything... then maybe about a year ago it started changing... I started spotting about 2 days prior to my "start date" and then the next day I would have nothing and then the day after bam period... that's how it's been for a while...
Well my hubby and I had sex about 2 days before glow stated I was suppose to ovulate... it's weird because when it stated I was suppose to.. I wasn't "showing the ovulation signs" like my cm and stuff. Anyway... i was suppose to start my period yesterday (Sunday) but it never showed... I started spotting brown on Friday and a little on Saturday and then nothing on Sunday or today... (well a tiny bit of brown today.. like super small amount). I took 2 preg tests and they were negative... my boobs hurt.. I felt sick on Friday right in the middle of eating my favorite food... but it went away. Tmi: my cervix is high and about the softness of my chin (they say soft is like your mouth lips, medium your chin and hard is your nose) the very first part of my cervix where it's open or closed is super soft so idk if it's more chin or lips and then gets harder the most I checked up... but I'm really dry so idk. Sorry for my ramble I'm just trying to give as much info as I can! Thanks (just edited this with another test.. can anyone edit the picture and see if you see a line? I think I do but idk)