Ok, so in short, need advice. Hcg dropped after bleeding on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>--like more than halfed from 261 to 114. I was five and a half weeks. :(
Re-tested hcg 5 days later and it was 130!? 
Had an ultrasound today, thinner lining, I have been spotting since Christmas and more heavy bleeding past two days. 
Dr said if it goes up the risk is that it's ectopic, and I would have to take medication to terminate, but they didn't see anything on the US, and he gave me no other possible scenarios for why it would have gone up. I am going to call my RE tomorrow to see if she can shed more light on the situation. I am frustrated with my doctors lack of education and I am concerned he is dropping the ball for multiple reasons, but that is besides the point--I just want to know if anyone else has been through this or has any insight? I'm concerned about terminating a possible viable pregnancy, or am I just holding onto the tiny sliver of hope that I want to be there so badly?  Please help! 😢